Preference Because of Hate
“I do not like her because she always works very hard, stays late at the office every night, and then gets promotions. That makes me look bad to my boss.”
Color of monks’ robes
Why the color of monks’ robes is always either yellow or reddish brown? A foreigner once asked me this question and I could not answer him.
Goal in This Life
People should have clear goals in their lives. When we have good goals to accomplish, we will not waste our time and life doing other useless things.
Listening Regularly to Dhamma Teachings # 2
Do not think that the monk is young, you are older than the monk and you have listened to the sermons of senior well-known monks many times
Benefits of Meditation 1
Meditation is important to the lives of everyone, not least the life of the householder, family life and life in society – contributing to peace in the world.
The True Goal of Marriage
Our love is not only given to parents, siblings, and friends, but also shared with someone who may become one’s husband or wife.
Casting Luang Pu in Gold
Who was Luang Pu? How important was he? Why have the Images been cast in Gold? If you believe in Luang Pu, you should not miss this big merit.
Looking for Good Neighbors
Good environments for living do not only contain comfortable places, but they also need to contain good neighbors. Creating good neighbors might be more difficult than creating comfortable homes.
When the monks go for the offering rounds, can they wear a pair of sandals?
I would like to ask about when the monks go for the offering rounds; can they wear a pair of sandals? For nowadays some areas are not suited to walk bare footed.
Blameless Work.
It sweat does not perspire, it will be trapped and changed into tears. Hence, after being born as a human, a person must work and place his hope in future generations.