The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Blameless Work (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Eighteen :- Blameless Work.
THE 38 WAYS TO HAPPINESS: Do not associate with fools
Core Value # 6: There is life after death
This core value surmises the continuity of life after death. Life does not simply cease when we die. Only the physical body will decompose, but our spirit will comtinue its journey. This view is shared in one way or another by nearly every form of organized religion.
Core Value # 8 : We are endebted to our father
This eighth form of core value indicates that a child acknowledges his or her debt of gratitude to his father. The debt of gratitude a person has tovards their father is the same as that they have towards their mother, i.e,:
Five rooms which affect your habit :- dining room
Five room which affect your habit. The valuable teaching from the Most Ven. Phrabhavanaviriyakhun (Dattajivo Bhikkhu), the vice abbot of Dhammakaya Temple.
Military and police whose duty it is to protect the sovereignty of the nation and quell the unrest sometimes inevitably have to wound and kill the thieves. This kind of killing is more or less sinful than general killing?
the military men and women and the police, whose duty it is to protect the sovereignty of the nation and quell the unrest sometimes inevitably have to wound and kill the thieves. But killing and hurting people are necessary. I would like to ask Luang Por whether this kind of killing is more or less sinful than general killing?
What is the cause of selfishness in a human being? Also, how should I behave towards selfish colleagues?
Mixing with the Wise
Who is a Wise Person? 1. A wise person is someone who knows the difference between good and bad
When Merits Depleted, I Went Broke
Since he was born, his life was magnificent and comfortable. His family was ranked as a moderately wealthy family of Taoyuan, from selling alcohol and cigarettes. The comfort he received was a result of the destruction of others. What are the Karma of doing this? DMC has the answers.
The Noble Eightfold Path
Whatever we do, we have to begin by understanding our goals correctly. We might start by asking ourselves why we have to do it. If we understand why, then we will try to do it properly. There are two major correct understanding.