Dhammachai Dhutanga 2012
Why do we arrange this dhutanga? Who will get the benefit from it? Who participate to arrange it?
The Rose Way (Phase 3)
These monks who are real practitioners are going to perform the Dhammachai Dhutanga (phase 3) during January 2nd - 25th, 2012. Please join to welcome them and make the big merit to our country!!
บรรพชาครั้งประวัติศาสตร์ ประเทศเนปาล และประมวลภาพ
พิธีบรรพชาครั้งประวัติศาสตร์ จัดขึ้นในวันที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ.2554 ณ วิหารมายาเทวี ซึ่งเป็นสถานที่ประสูติขององค์สมเด็จพระสัมมาสัมพุทธเจ้า พระเดชพระคุณพระธรรมกิตติวงศ์ เจ้าอาวาสวัดราชโอรสารามราชวรวิหาร
‘Dhammakaya Dhutanga’ 6-Provinces -365 Kilometers to welcome the Year of 2012
Medias are invited to report this event on Monday 2nd January 2012, the starting date of the ‘Dhammakaya Dhutanga’ at Dhammakaya Temple. The daily pilgrim walk starts at 09:30 a.m. till 05:30 p.m.
Dhamma For People :- The merit-rejoicing fruit
An angel owned a lot of celestial properties because she had rejoiced in her friend's merit. What kind of merit did she rejoice?
Dhammakaya Temple launched the new project
Dhammakaya Temple launced the new project to help the temples and people in some flood areas.
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#3
To protect children from bad situations occurring in the family, you must train the children to be good
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Round at Phueng Pha Field
The photo collection of the Morning Alms Round at Phueng Pha Field in Song Phi Nong district, Suphanburi province, Thailand. This ceremony was held since the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni's 127 Birthday Anniversary. The alms from this ceremony will be sent to help the flood victims in many areas.
Merits from offering food to the monks
Dhamma For People - Merits from offering food to the monks.
Merit from Offering Drinking Water to the Lord Buddha
Dhamma for People. Merit from offering drinking water to the Lord Buddha.