Black Magic and Three Wives
One man got 3 wives. The first wife and the second one were suspicious that he was under a spell of black magic from the third wife so they coordinated together to find someone to help resolve the black magic. After he had passed away for 8 days, his third wife prepared a ceremony to receive Dhamma from Kuan Yin Goddess. They said, this ceremony was from the higher class in Taiwan, and it can powerfully dismiss the recipients name from hell.
Restrain from Drinking and Consuming Intoxicants
Intoxicants: In general this means allowing alcohol and drugs being absorbed into the body through drinking, inhaling, insertion, spraying, smoking, and injection
Spirit Wants to Get Married
A good example of dedicated family, a man who studied major in law and had never believe in Law of Kammar finally changed his opinion after he heard a Dhamma teaching from Ven. Datta. Now, he quitted smoking and drinking and paid more attention on studying Buddhism. He and his wife lost a job during IMF period but now they owned a business. His daughter came to the temple since she was 3 years old and his son also loves to watch DMC.
My Beloved Grandmothers
What demerit caused her mother to be paralyzed, have diabetes, and have both her legs amputated? Did letting her hair grow long and requesting to have a longer life at the Phra Gan Shrine enable her to live for another 10 years? What demerit caused her father to have bleeding in his digestive system and die?
Big Bags block water
Big Bag...the new hope for Bangkok people. Big Bag...the knight on a white horse. What is it and who began to use it in Thailand during the flood crisis?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Associate with the Wise (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Two :- Associate with the Wise
The Little Candlelight
She was born in a family that the parents always have a quarrel because of alcohol.Her mother said she had a dream before gave birth to her and was confident that she would be a doctor once she grown up. And the dream had came true, she became a doctor. She treats the patients by using her knowledge, giving an advice to her coma patients to be in a better conscious and think of only merit before dying. She is a successful doctor but she does not seem to be much successful in love.
A Man Who Violated His Daughter and Another Relative of the Same Blood Line
เรื่องราวน่าสะเทือนใจ...ชายคนหนึ่ง มีนิสัยเจ้าชู้ แม้แต่คนในครอบครัวก็ไม่ละเว้น มีความสัมพันธ์กับน้องสาวของตัวเองอย่างเปิดเผย จนภรรยาของเขาทนไม่ไหวต้องขอแยกทางไป ทั้งๆที่มีลูกสาวด้วยกันถึง 5 คน นอกจากนั้น ยังข่มขืนลูกสาวแท้ๆของตัวเองถึงสองคน...ด้วยวิบากกรรมใด เขาจึงทำได้อย่างนี้...น้องสาว และลูกสาวทั้งสองคน ของเขามีวิบากกรรมใดจึงต้องมาเจอกับเหตุการณ์เช่นนี้...
Why was my father a womanizer habitually and why did he commit adultery with the persons in his family? After he dies what kind of kammic retribution will he suffer from? If he was to come back to be reborn again how will he pay back his kammic retribution in the next life? In this life how can my father resolve this?