Beloved Teacher
A life story of chinsese woman who was lucky than any others. She got a chance to study in University; even though, her mom refused to send her daughters for high education per Chinese’s belief. And, what are the retributions of angriness each other since past life? How are the situations between having physical body meditate in the hall that the great root teacher controlling merits and listening radio broadcast in the office alone provide merits and progress of meditation differently?..DMC has the answers.
Lost Buddha Amulets, Family of Divorce
Her mother had as many as 8 operations and on her last operation, her doctor predicted that she would not live longer than 2 years. Her mother got a chance to come to Dhammakaya Temple and did lots of merits. Surprisingly, she is still living and healthy. What merit causes this? And, why did many of her family members experience separation or divorce? DMC has the answers...
Feng Shui
Karma that happens in this life is the effect from actions that we did in previous life. One of the Norway ladies was sent out to a foster home since she was 3 months old and had no chance to be close with her mom. She had to move along with her dad for 12 times until she was used to separation and lack of warmness from people of close relationship. What retribution caused her life to be like this? And, why can her daughter sense which house is livable or no?
Super Perfection Pursuer
What did my mother do which causes her to love merit accumulation so much and had the chance to make merit with Luang Pu when he was still alive? What deed makes her, at the last period of her life, suffer with blood pressure, rheumatoid, thyroid and makes her tumble so many times that her ankles are no longer strong which obstruct her from coming to the temple? What retribution makes her not to have gum edge which causes her to be unable to wear false teeth, so it is difficult for her to eat and defecate?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Nineteen :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness.
Change The World Speech Contest 2011
Details of Change The World Speech Contest 2011. Please join it to bright the world together!!
Tibetan Healing Sound Instruments Mysteriously Alter Space, Mind, Time
Letters from the little presidents of Kathina Ceremony 2010
Lovely letters from the little presidents of Kathina Ceremony 2010. Every children can do big good deeds such as being the president of Kathina Ceremony. Nong Ja+ and Nong Aiko are the examples of these children.
World Peace can become a reality
Dhamma For People :- World Peace can become a reality.
Vesak Day - The International Day
The Lord Buddha's biography. How does it relate with Vesak Day? The Buddhists don't miss!!