The day of inviting to criticize
The final day of the Buddhist Lent is also called the day of inviting to criticize. All monks invite one another to warn them and improve themselves.
Letter from the novice representative who is studying Pali Grammar
Letter from the novice representative who is studying Pali Grammar - Novice Sitthichai Dechkhamphoo.
สื่อมวลชนนำเสนอข่าวพิธีมุทิตา ป.ธ.9 ปีที่ 36 ฯ
วัดพระธรรมกายจัดงานมุทิตาเพื่อเฉลิมฉลองการศึกษาพระปริยัติธรรม ปีที่ 36 พร้อมมอบทุนและอุปกรณ์การเรียน รวมมูลค่า 2 ล้านบาท
Freedom From Religion: Buddhism Wins Best Religion in the World Award
St. John’s O’Leary finds answers in Buddhism
History of the Rain Retreat
The Rain Retreat had not existed yet during the initial years of Buddhism. Therefore, throughout any given year, when a monk needs to visit the people in order to teach Dhamma, the journey was made when time permitted.
The ceremony to establish the Dhammakaya Meditation Center of Bavaria- a Buddhist Sanctuary
The Great Imperial Crystal Ball of Bavaria is a sacred principle crystal ball that was named by the Most Venerable Phrathepyanmahamunee (Luang Phaw DhammaChaiyo), the Abbot of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Thailand.
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 2
Thus the Lord Buddha taught that if we can overcome our greedy attachments to the things we love in the world, craving can be overcome too
Encourage Each Other
From a wealthy family we suddenly turned the opposite way, which we were not prepared for. My father drank even more after this depression. When he got drunk, he would hurt my mother several times.
Creating the virtuous society for which the world awaits The kind of Society the World Awaits
In this chapter we will not only meet the word’ Good Friend’ [kalyanamitra] in addition to the ‘True Friend’