The glory of Gandhara
Buddha’s sacred remains go North
Filtering Out False Friends
The majority of people around the world from the Lord Buddha’s time until now have been under the misconception that success and failure in life depend mainly on the environment around them.
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 22,600 Monks on March 18th, 2012
The Photo Collection of the Morning Alms Offering to 22,600 Monks on Sunday March 18th, 2012. H.E. Yingkuck Shinawatra, the Prime Minister of Thailand came to be the Ceremonial President.
Vesak Day - The International Day
The Lord Buddha's biography. How does it relate with Vesak Day? The Buddhists don't miss!!
Forced to Marry
Chinese only wanted sons and grandsons to carry on the family’s name. They stuffed ashes into daughters' mouth and left them to die. What kamma caused her mother’s sisters to be killed at birth like this? What merit saved her mom from being killed? What bad result will the murderer receive? DMC has the answers.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Setting oneself up properly in life (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Blessing Six:- Setting oneself up properly in life
The Great Master Day 2010
The Great Master Day 2010. The ceremonies of the Dhammakaya Master Day. Schedule.
Stab Eye, Kill Cows
The story of one woman whose parent divorced when she was an infant. Her mother was bitterly despairing of her present love life and so drank and flirted. She had to live with her aunt and take a killing cow orders for 7 years. What should she do to be free from the retributions? DMC has the answer.
Spirit Wants to Get Married
A good example of dedicated family, a man who studied major in law and had never believe in Law of Kammar finally changed his opinion after he heard a Dhamma teaching from Ven. Datta. Now, he quitted smoking and drinking and paid more attention on studying Buddhism. He and his wife lost a job during IMF period but now they owned a business. His daughter came to the temple since she was 3 years old and his son also loves to watch DMC.